Her Story : You and I Paint


We started You and I Paint for many reasons; but most importantly to set an example to our four beautiful daughters - that life is what you make it. Life is short, so it's imperative that you work with what you're passionate about and you never have to work a day in your life. Especially as immigrant women, we encourage entrepreneurship so no one can ever take advantage of your talent and deprive you of freedom!

We wanted to create a name to make people feel exclusive and special when using our service. It's about "you and I" the minute you select any of our services/ sessions / classes. We want to help individuals escape the noise, and tune in the therapy of art as a whole. It's more than just a canvas and a brush, it's about the whole experience!

Words of Inspiration.

Just go for it.

As mothers and entrepreneurs, let's just say you will never be ready! Just go for it and let failures and hardships teach you along the way! It's all worth it in the end.

Fear is an illusion and only lives inside your mind. It's only real if you allow it!

When it comes to starting your own business, nothing can prepare you more than failure and hardship - Ann Merritt

If you're comfortable, you're not growing and if you're growing - you won't be comfortable - Ann Merritt

Renee D