COMMUNITY Feature : Lovely Little Design Co.


Lovely Little Design Co. is a full service boutique design agency that is owned and operated by Alex Jones. We specialize in branding for creative businesses, stationery and custom wedding invitations.
I worked for 7 years in corporate graphic design and I also spent a year working at a top tier marketing agency. This is when I realized my true love is working with people; not behind a desk!
Nothing makes me happier then creating a beautiful invitation suite for a bride, helping creative entrepreneurs meet their graphic design dreams and sending snail mail!


Throughout the 4 years that Lovely Little Design co. has been in business, I have gotten married, had 3 boys (ages 3, 2 and 1), and opened a studio in Toronto.
I am a hands on designer, who works best with enthusiastic clients ready to make the brand of their dreams or the perfect invitation suite for their wedding! I have been featured in numerous publications including Wedding Chicks, Wedluxe and Huffington Post. My greeting cards and art prints are carried in shops all over the world!

I focus on doing what I do with passion, love, and integrity, from the initial design to the final packaging- because every client is my top priority.


Lovely Little Design Co. runs with a lot of sentiment, sparkle and spunk and we're constantly seeking new ways to refine the conversation we're having with all of you.  
I am always learning and honing my design craft and can usually create anything you can dream up (or we dream up together!)

I met so many wonderful women at The COCOLILY Social and I would love to work with every single one of you. 

There are so many things we could do together; your business branding, a fresh website that matches your style, a magazine to showcase your offerings, or a custom greeting card collection!

I am offering all COCOLILY Social attendees 10% off any of my services (this includes wedding planners who would like to offer this discount to their brides/grooms!)

Renee D