A great friend, mommy, and entrepreneur!  Today we are featuring the story of Tuti Do, President and owner of Rev Communications, a boutique PR & marketing agency, and founder of TheWowMom.com, a mom blog that profiles inspirational moms and shares their stories.

Between her two kids, a hubby, the agency, the clients, the website, the house...combined with the lack of help or babysitters, she is usually running on overdrive, forsaking sleep and mostly sanity. As a publicist, Tuti specializes in making things look good. So her happy beautiful smile is what you'll see most of the time, but in reality Tuti admits that she is in serious need of a hug, ice cream, and about 2 weeks of sleep.  
We can definitely help with the hug and ice cream Tuti!! xxo, Renee

What motivated you to start this business/choose this profession...how did you come up with the idea?

When I was on maternity leave with my firstborn, I realized I wanted to control my own destiny. My exuberant son gave me a new perspective and inspired me to go outside my comfort zone. My last corporate job was being the Marketing & Communications Director at an international denim company.  I ran my department like my own company, however, the reality was it was not mine. After 10 years experience of building up other companies and brands, it was time to build my own.

My son was really the spark for it all. He wasn't even a year old yet, we were playing in our condo parking lot. Every little thing was a source of excitement and happiness for him. Wow pebbles! Wow blade of grass! Oooo dirt! Didn't matter what we had or didn't have. He was happy because he had love...and some rocks and grass. I realized in that moment I'd never been happier too. Along with the support and encouragement of my hubby, this little guy gave me the courage to take the leap of faith to start my own company. Didn't matter if I failed, I already had it all...right there in my parking lot.

What steps did you take during the start-up process?

New business development was a key part of my previous work experiences.  After a decade of building new businesses and brands, it was a natural transition as I already went through the trials and tribulations. 

The most valuable part of my start-up process was my network.  Venturing out on your own is a huge undertaking, and having the support and resources of many people was vital.  To this day, I am so grateful for these guardian angels who lit the way for me. They gave me insight, shared their own expertise and even rolled up their sleeves to help me get Rev off the ground.

What has been the most effective way to create awareness for your business/brand?

It’s no coincidence that public relations has been the most valuable. Not only do we accomplish positive publicity for our clients, but we have been blessed by the same good fortune of positive word of mouth.  By just being hardworking and sincere, we have built a strong network who have referred us to amazing new clients and opportunities.  Having that unbiased testimonial from a respected individual has unlimited value.  That’s the power of PR.

What do you love most about your company/journey/business?

The people who've shared the journey with me. Throughout the years I've had the privilege to work with and meet so many incredible people.  That's what's made it all worthwhile.  Countless people have inspired me, touched my heart and have made such a difference in not only my career but also in my life. We've shared some memorable experiences and great laughs along the way.

What's the biggest sacrifice you've made for your business

Me time. Sleep. Between running an agency and having a family, the last on my list is often me (and some plants that I've killed). In keeping work and family a priority, it leaves little time for anything else. Sometimes I feel like I'm from another planet as I don't know anything about the latest TV shows or movies anymore. I am still learning the valuable lesson of self care.

Your favourite quote

"I am not about being perfect, I am about living a life of purpose"

I love this quote because it reminds me to keep a perspective.  I often struggle as I want to achieve this unattainable perfection in my life and work. This quote reminds me of the bigger picture.

What does success mean to you?

This has changed so many times throughout the years. Success is ever changing as we grow and continue on our journey.  At one time, it meant to have a certain amount of clients, targeted sales or a high-profile project. Now my definition of success is to simply be happy.

What do you celebrate most about life?

The beauty of simple things. A good cup of tea. Snuggling my kids at bedtime. Sharing a meal with a friend. Bringing people together. Enjoying nature. Ice cream. Oops, that's three food things...

How do you build yourself back up in moments of self-doubt?

I remind myself of all the blessings in my life and the things I've already accomplished.  It's human nature to get caught up in what we're missing in life, it takes conscious effort to remind ourselves what we already have.

What is your biggest struggle aka mountain to climb and how do you deal with it?

The juggle. It's a constant never-ending juggle between my ambition and being a mom. Being present and hands-on in my kids' lives is of utmost priority.  By the same token I'm just not "mom", I have my own dreams and ambition.  Trying to do both has its daily challenges.  Some days I have it all under control, others days it's total chaos. My attempt to manage this includes strict time management. When it's family time, it's their time. I try not to work until they're back in bed...which is shift 3 of my day.

Renee D