Happy Christmas!
This is the most magical and beautiful holiday - the birth of Jesus being the number one reason why we even have Christmas, but also the joy of giving, putting up the Christmas tree and twinkle lights and the happy music! We have so much goodness coming your way and wanted to share via our Journal (in case you’re not signed up to receive our Letters aka Newsletter.
A New Day.
This year will be one to remember that’s for sure. And while it’s always the tradition to wait for January 1st to start the year fresh - know that every morning is a new beginning; a fresh start. You don’t have to start new goals or intentions on January 1st - that’s just a date. You can choose whichever day or week or month works best for you!
Shop Local.
This Christmas please also shop local as much as you possibly can. The large corporations and ‘made in overseas’ products don’t need the support - the small business does. Whether it’s buying a product from another mom entrepreneur or a cute t-shirt from your fellow lady boss friend to a gift card from your local restaurant. We are all in this together and now more than ever, we have to support each other.
Wishing you a very Merry, Blessed and Beautiful Christmas xxo, Renee