April Calendar + Fun National Holidays.


A list of April holidays plus fun national days. Save this list for planning your home calendar or use for social media content ideas for your business.

1 April Fools Day

1 National Handmade Day

2 Palm Sunday

3 Find a Rainbow Day

5 National Walking Day

7 Good Friday

9 Easter

13 National Scrabble Day

14 National Ex-Spouse Day

14 National Gardening Day

14 Look Up At The Sky Day

16 National Orchid Day

16 National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day

20 Get to Know Your Customers Day

21 National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day

22 Earth Day

23 National Picnic Day

24 National Bucket List Day

27 National Gummi Bear Day

28 National Blueberry Pie Day

30 International Jazz Day


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Renee D